Monday, February 20, 2017

Depository, securities portal "to save" the cumulative visitors broke through 1.5 million people

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Korea Securities Depository announces the 'Save as' Securities Information Portal cumulative number of visitors exceeded the 20-day 1.5 million people since it began its first service in May 2013.

To save (SEIBro: SEcurities Information Broadway) is a means to serve as a center of information, such as securities Broadway which means highways.

In 2016, 57 million people will be open to visitors to save 18 million people a year starting in 2013, May was the number of visitors increased to 95% at over 70,000+ people 3000 2013 5000 40,000 persons in 2017.

Use the menu to customers looking for more stock market status information is publicly traded classification status (7.5%), a privately held distribution estimate (7.1%), each event lending status (5.1%), the overall status of the balance synthesis of lending (5.0 % etc.).

Note Customers are academic, financial and media organizations, institutions such as government policies, including retail investors. This is to save the current contents such as corporate information, stock information and securities balance of approximately 120 000 Company information, and provide it to the 11 domains and 197 content.

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