[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter: "I always want to go to kiwona leading companies that contribute to the core business, such as one credit information company representing the Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea Moreover, the banking industry needs in KB Financial Group, KB Credit Information."
In the last year, KB Financial Group, KB Credit Information gimhaegyeong personnel representatives was the figure that most topics. KB Financial Group since the first pas affiliates female CEO. KB Financial Group, was debt collection up systematically prepare KB Credit Information on financial profitability, such as industry-wide uncertainty in the credit information company in accordance with the recession, prolonged recommended to become a credit information company one such "a senior background of CEO Kim he said.
Gimhaegyeong representatives iphaeng through the International Office, the foreign exchange business department, sales department, including Yoido in 1978, the bank served as vice president in 2016, KB Credit Information. Representative Kim served as executive vice president in office at the time of card receivables and other group projects, Computer Information, West Division Headquarters.
He said, "I felt a lot of responsibility at the department, which is responsible for about 70% of the company's sales performance also geodwot as relaxing, but a sense of duty felt as CEO is more tremendous," said in a "holistic explore the company's development direction, and a good company than a day and for making the concerns, "he said.
◇ KB Group companies focus on debt collection, lease sector research strengths
The debt collection industry gathers mouth called "year of the crisis this year. If this person through the lenders borrow money appoint such attorney to delegate the status of a 'bill on consumer credit protection' that contains the contents of introducing the debtor's representative institutions that creditors and consultation instead of an agent before the financial feet. As well as financial authorities are strengthening debt collection guidelines for collecting food industry is being threatened. KB Credit Information gimhaegyeong is the response of a representative group is focused collection to grow in crisis.
CEO Kim explained, "KB Credit Information faithful to the role of non-performing loans within the established purpose of efficient management of KB Financial Group and KB will begin to maximize your satisfaction within a group."
He is confident that despite the difficulties the industry, KB Credit Information can fully explore the industry's number one. Receivables management with a comprehensive KB Credit Information, KB Credit Information iteoseoda have the expertise in the leasing sector research. It considers that this rather difficult longitude opportunity to credit information hwangoltaltae up.
Gimhaegyeong representative "KB Credit Information Financial Group based credit information companies of the first bank cards, Insurance, Capital Securities Group in all business sectors in throughout arrears from the beginning amortized after bonds to manage the comprehensive debt management systems for equipped." and "the company can conduct business based on excellent research expertise in the leasing business and has entered the first in the industry to keep a firm position as a leading company in mobile systems such as that introduced for the first time in 2015," he said.
◇ credit management consultants, human resources, financial year process to build the future
With the advent of the Industrial Revolution era 4th voices have been raised that the financial industry must change. Gimhaegyeong representatives who are well prepared for the challenges that lie a new future, not only the credit information industry is facing a crisis should break even. And in CEO Kim also stressed that changing circumstances KB Credit Information This required constant change and try to survive the credit information company first. In particular, says that the need to build next-generation systems matneu process.
Gimhaegyeong representative "should build computational systems and processes for the future financial environment to the next generation IT system introduction," said "should also establish policies for managing delinquent customers in the financial environment, consumer protection," he said.
He added that the business sector is also key staff training needs.
Gimhaegyeong representative "should foster customer credit management consultants-thinking, non-performing business analysis and management professionals, by professionals such as Big Data Modeling business unit core business sector workforce," he said. In addition, he said, "we will have to continue their efforts through a strengthened workforce expertise reborn systematically, knowledge-intensive industries in labor-intensive industries in the past."
Credit-up legal information currently buying bonds directly is prohibited and may be delegated only collection. Because of the growing importance of discovering new business.
Gimhaegyeong representative contrast, "writes strength for the mortgage receivable management business Material promotion review, the out-group debt collection and lease investigate securing large institutions and to explore new foods" and "further step by step considering the ACS center, call center business want to be, "he said.
Representative Kim also emphasized receivables management plan for the fourth industrial revolution era should be constantly worried. In particular that it must deviate from simple debt collection is his idea.
Gimhaegyeong representative of "the Fourth should be contemplating a new debt management plan worthy of the banking and financial consumer protection environment, the strengthening of the industrial revolution era" and "support the credit recovery process of debt clients and a variety for customers, offering consulting must find ways to create value, "he said.
Deregulation should be noted in this regard was progressing together.
CEO Kim is "further credit information companies actively need to open up the road to open up business areas 'said' non-performing loans purchased collection permit, 8 trillion national in gyeomeop reporting procedures converted in a negative way 2009 the local tax arrears, including tax receivables and open private business said it would have to be reviewed. "
◇ credit up first female CEO ... Customer orientation perspective demonstrate competence
Gimhaegyeong representative in the credit information industry's first and only female CEO as well as the first woman in KB Financial Group CEO. He is confident that contribute to the industry's growth from a new perspective in addition broke the glass ceiling.
Kim representatives to help promote customer orientation perspective policy in relation to the "most male-dominated industries as here, but industries with delicacy and tenderness of women can be a strength to the image that credit collection business has" said "delinquent customers and be a credit information industry with patience and affinity naganeunde find a new breakthrough explained that it could be a big advantage. "
He says this was done to end the mind getdaneun shares given to me from childhood Hangwon driving force created by the representatives of gimhaegyeong now. Do not miss nothing less delicacies that is also his strength. Representative Kim has a written description, including the text of the book read on the impressive work-related diaries from the time the first bank that issued packaging.
Gimhaegyeong representative and advised "to have a good habit to always note and record" to younger women.
For the future, he said, "a unique small part to the leadership women chaenggineun" If gimhaegyeong can believe "will try to gain the trust".
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