[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] Deposit Insurance Corporation has acquired the future creation Sciences, organized by Information Security Management System certification.
Forecast last day that the certified insurance payments systems, savings banks integrated information (SHARE-3.0), including 41 full-service IT hosting the destination for the future creation Sciences, Information Security Management System (ISMS) said 14 days.
Forecast was maintained for four consecutive years information security management system certification this year, it has achieved certification across the entire IT service solely from public financial institutions.
Forecast bar has obtained the personal information protection management system (PIMS) * Certification of Public Administration and Home Affairs organized the first public agency received last May 7 also externally recognized excellence in personal information management.
Forecast says that "financial market stability and depositor protection service provider" as the future continue to pay ongoing attention and effort to the precious privacy and information security of the national accident prevention plan. "
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