[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Korea Investment & Securities (President yusangho) is coming 16 to EUROSTOXX50, HSI an underlying asset to 'TRUE ELS 8359 times step-down type, a total of 7 billion won to limit recruitment said that 14 days.
TRUE ELS 8359 once three years all the underlying asset price every six months to expire six months jogisang annular 92% of the initial base price (6 - 12 months), 87% (18, 24 months), 82% (30 months maturity ) If more than repaid in annual revenue is 5.00%.
If the expiration revenue in any one of the underlying assets during the investment period of three years after fail to satisfy the conditions exist based on the closing price, if you have not fallen to less than 45% of the initial base price 15.00% (annual 5.00%) Payment and up If you have if dropped the loss of the principal amount due as underlying assets decline. When fire meets the conditions of principal loss is 18-100%.
During the same period, recruited a total of 11 kinds of products including kinds of ELB 1, it ELS 8 kinds, DLS 2 species, the minimum subscription limit is $ 500. For further information, contact us if you are to Korea Investment & Securities website or customer service center.
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