[Korea financial newspaper stand hyomun News] Hyosung Information System, LS Cable will come flash storage is "Hitachi VSP F800 (Virtual Storage Platform F800) 'introduction, all employees feel that ERP performance improved accomplished naeteumyeo downtime minimized while system migration announced that it has succeeded in 15 days.
LS Cable, including seven overseas branches across the enterprise ERP system upgrade, the spiral has a 24-hour non-stop production system there, while minimizing downtime when replacing an ERP system was switched to Cozaar stable. This introduced the Hitachi VSP F800 through HDS UVM (Universal Volume Manager) solution was conducted with real-time data migration. The time required to upgrade the system as a whole DB server, and other replacements, but greatly reduces the expected 72 hours to 36 hours of downtime, and complete the ERP data migration quickly and reliably.
This time, LS Cable & introduced the all-flash storage for ERP performance improvement is a result of checking to select a program 31 that major consuming programs with more than 1 hour of the major modules associated with the closing performance targets to check, program execution time compared to existing 67 % or more was confirmed that the performance improvement. For some work showed improvement effect of 10 times or more. For example, in the case of the inventory difference distribution operations come after Flash introduced by addressing the existing 16.4 hours gotta work that takes 3.8 hours to fully reduce the bottleneck of performance were significantly improved satisfaction of ERP users.
In addition, LS Cable has introduced a two-Hitachi VSP F800: 1 reduces storage costs by compressing capacity and yet even up to 1 millisecond scale (1/1000) can keep the response time of less than 20% storage operations efficiently without sacrificing performance It became.
Gwonpilju Hyosung Information Systems Solutions team manager at "A lot of companies are also considering actively the all flash storage introduced in order to improve the performance of existing systems," said "All of flash storage for HDS performance improvements, as well as the upper surface through large integrated FMD modules while dramatically reducing space, while providing a cost advantage to the industry's only 100% guaranteed availability, and data compression savings are largely the spotlight, "he said.
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