Monday, February 20, 2017

IBK president johuicheol pension insurance "competitive with mid-sized insurance companies will be reborn."

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] 'I will become a medium-sized insurance companies, with competitive this year' pension insurance johuicheol IBK President said the spirited determination.

IBK's pension plan is to open a business strategy meeting of former employees participated in the last 17 days had time to share your 2016 financial performance and strategy management this year.

In the meeting, in order to become a medium-sized insurance company annuity insurance IBK competitive

△ financial soundness strengthen management, △ profitability, △ sustainable growth and expanding three sets strategic direction and financial stability stricter regulations corresponding new accounting system (IFRS9) 10 core initiatives, including also reduced the financial impact of the introduction of and it has established a detailed action plan.

IBK's pension plan is to achieve maximum performance in all sectors, including its history to record 33.8 billion net profit increased 90% yoy 17.8 billion last year.

Johuicheol IBK annuity president, while encouraging employees "2017 is however expected to be only harder than ever to increase internal and external financial uncertainty, based on a united organizational culture that all employees are considerate and communicate with each other 'competitive midsize insurers he said, '' employee 'Create as' the working insurer ',' insurance customers want to want to trade chapter.

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