[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] jinungseop the Financial Supervisory Service to "carry out the inspection of Pin Point (pin-point) for unsound business practices of financial companies approach consumers will quickly remedy the damage," he said.
Jinungseop Director "to establish a sound financial transaction order to strengthen the checks on abusive sales practices of financial institutions branches nagagetda" open "2017 Consumer Protection financial sector supervision sessions' in 24 days FSS Training Institute he told reporters.
Jean ledgers provide a qualitative consumer protection measures such as strengthening the unsound business activities related to developing constantly monitor key indicators of "financial institution branches, and this year, complaints caused by the cause removed, as well as post-damage remedy blocking, smarter financial consumers upbringing I will, "he said.
"The chronic and recurring dispute will block radically complaints occur through institutional improvement promotion to the gun," he said "the system improve to select a consumer protection priority key initiatives for 30 of the issues that conflict occurs much for them pushing it, "he said.
FSS also announced its intention to further strengthen the regional financial consumer protection through support 11 (支 院).
Jean Dean explained, "We arrange additional complaints specialized role in providing support for civil services to meet the eye level of regional financial consumers, and will enable the civil checking to local financial institutions to quickly respond to abusive sales practices of the branches." .
It also strengthened consumer sovereignty over the autonomous spreading a culture of consumer protection and financial education, expansion of financial institutions.
"The Consumer Protection status evaluation during the implementation level and enables evaluation to further improve consumer protection in financial companies depths, building a customer-critical information portal on the website will be expanded to provide useful information to consumers" and "Financial education can vary through Tuesday he stressed that such will create an environment in which financial services can fully enjoy the benefits. "
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