Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Paradise, Paradise City exhibition BUY recommendation - Shinhan

[Korea hyerin nine financial newspaper reporter] Shinhan Investment has recommended a number of former open-April period Paradise City (Yeongjongdo Casino Resort) Paradise City for 21 days. This recommendation remains Buy with a target price was raised to ₩ 18,000.

Sung Joon Won Institute of brokerage is' Paradise City (Yeongjongdo Casino Resort) 4 and opened in May, the May sales growth accelerate since 'said,' operating profit in the first quarter of this year -56 million (SSS), 2 -63 billion won in the quarter (open point resort), 6 billion in the third quarter and estimated at 18 billion won in the fourth quarter. In each quarter of 2018 the surplus is forecast 'he said.

In addition, said "the first quarter and 2 were concerns about earnings is already reflected in the share price over the past six months," he explained, "Paradise City sales seen since the May-June this now rather than buying time." Because of uncertainty because seolseong price has not yet come up a lot.

Sex researcher "Shinhan Investment earnings by the end of 2018 the target price was calculated ₩ 24,000" saying, he added "Let's bet on long-term growth."

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