This [financial newspaper ohahreum Korea News] Park, Jung - Ho, president of SK Telecom is introducing a bold global leadership succession. Saturated oil, preceded by 'de communication "in the wireless market will lead the line for creating new ICT ecosystem. Whether you have a reputation as mergers and acquisitions (M & A) and good workmanship in new growth business opportunities he or exert any leadership climbing this year, SK Telecom's chief interest is hot from the beginning of the year.
◇ build up a chapter IoT network in Thailand
SK Telecom was successful IoT build a dedicated network across the country for the first time the world is driving the momentum to advance to the IoT market in Thailand.
SK Telecom is expected to proceed with the IoT demonstration projects in Bangkok and Phuket last five days of April comes bearing a Thai state-owned CAT Telecom operators and 'IoT technologies and dedicated network build agreement on consulting.
CAT Telecom (CAT Telecom Public Company Ltd., Hereafter CAT) telephone, the Internet, mobile communications and international telephone services, including the provision that Thailand first state-owned telecommunications company and, IoT, e-Commerce, Thailand's New ICT industry lead in a typical enterprise.
The last three days in Bangkok, Thailand CAT headquarters held a contract signing ceremony, the SK Telecom tea inhyeok IoT division sentence, the midwives difference huba flies or (Sanpachai Huvanandana) CAT CEO, tawip netni (Thawip Netniyom) CAT Chairman of the Board, including the companies key executives and pichet dyurong by Kaveh (Pichet Durongkaveroj) attended by government key personnel, including Thailand digital economy and Social Affairs Minister expressed the expectation of the companies of IoT demonstration projects. About why CAT Saga selected SK Telecom's first IoT trial partners in Thailand SK Telecom explained that since its building the world's first hybrid IoT private network know-how and CDMA ranging from 4G due to network competitiveness has led the worldwide mobile communications market .
In particular, this project is meant to put raneunde first global performance of a large number of domestic small and medium enterprises and ventures New ICT development strategies to promote ecosystem-cases, create new value through open cooperation and sharing together. With this agreement, SK Telecom and CAT live LoRa establish a dedicated network based on the IoT Thailand's capital Bangkok and the famous resort of Phuket across the country. Coming in April will be offered a variety of IoT services to the Thai people and tourists.
Bangkok is installed on the network LoRa urban area surrounding the palace, visitors will be offered a target IoT location services. In particular, is expected to be a big help in preventing children, the elderly mourners after the disappearance of the significant increase in the palace of King died late last year.
The LoRa network based vehicle tracking service is available in Phuket. IoT install a dedicated terminal on the tour bus tourists it is possible to move real-time vehicle location and route to your smartphone. Especially Phuket is a representative area of the Smart City project promoted by the Thai government, the two companies will expand the service to start the IoT vehicle location services in the future water / electric automatic meter reading and smart street lights and so on.
In addition, SK Telecom explained that this includes exports to simply IoT platforms and devices, but is not limited to building networks of this agreement Inc. CAT. To this end, SK Telecom is working with a venture business such as excellent small Navel Communications (BS / exchange), Spa Xhosa (IoT devices / solutions).
Thailand in particular is just IoT network, SK Telecom Network in Korea and the frequency and output conditions are similar, it is possible to easily change the minimum standards of the Thai export market. So we can expect a full-fledged overseas expansion of domestic small and medium venture companies during the project agreement.
◇ ICT national and international collaboration to face upheaval 'broadband'
Also announced since the beginning of the year to become a leading company driving the future of the ICT paradigm is the aggressive investment plans. SK Telecom has decided to invest a total of 11 trillion won three years, including five trillion won, 5G networks such as 6 trillion in future for New ICT industry ecosystem upbringing.
New investment for New ICT ecosystem upbringing is intensively developed in artificial intelligence and autonomous, IoT applications. It's expected that through the employment inducement effect of about 9 trillion won production inducement effect and six thousand description of the destination side.
The same 'big bucket' investment stems from an active and aggressive in the Park, Jung - Ho, president. President of the 1 night and will make such ecosystems together rather than one of such "alone. Said now happen to enlarge New ICT ecosystem is more important than anything, "emphasized the New ICT composition and development.
In particular, he "SK Telecom in force alone can not build a true New ICT ecosystem. Must go hand in hand with various businesses together, "he betrayed the will of multidisciplinary collaboration for New ICT ecosystem.
SK Telecom plans that fully opened their doors in artificial intelligence and autonomous, Connected car sector, and focus on the ecosystem such as the IoT sector smart home and energy management efficiency, global operators and venture start-ups as well as cooperation even competitors. Future projects and the pace of global operators are catching up even more speed.
SK Telecom recently with Ericsson, the world's largest BMW Group Korea-based 28GHz 5G test succeeded in communicating mangin Yeongjongdo BMW Driving Center Connected cars running at 3.6Gbps speed per hour 170km.
Last November, the company is evaluating whether Connected car works and services following the implementation of a large-scale test network 5G this time, while significantly increasing the communication speed of the connected car running at high speed anticipated Connected Car era. Industry insiders, "Park, Jeong - Ho has a new ICT ecosystem for building a movement led by the president of SK Telecom is accelerating," said "cooperation with partners related to new areas, seems to be expanding more consultation," he said.
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