Monday, February 20, 2017

Seoincheon agricultural cooperatives, banks feat five years clean

[Korea financial newspaper Incheon Lee, Dong - Kyu News] seoincheon cooperatives (jeonghyeokgeun union president) has had a continued contraction and recession aftermath of last year's deposit margins, thanks to enterprise-wide business participation of union members mutual financial soundness loans 700 billion won to achieve, five years clean bank achieve that feat It scored a.

Last year, mutual finance loan balance has achieved 115.867 billion won to 716.1 billion increase in earnings of 93 million won a year earlier. Mutual funds also finance deposits increased 824.5 billion compared to the previous year 6.757 billion won to 1500 won.

Buying business and business is selling 2.293 billion won, increased to 3.876 billion won yoy by 328 million won, respectively, 5900 3.50001 billion won, respectively. Farming Allowance (1.338 billion won) and education support project also poured force.

Seoincheon NACF said: "It was able to finish the business in a difficult environment, it was possible iteotgie internal and external customers and members of the business actively involved."

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