Monday, February 20, 2017

Incheon Agricultural Inspection, to achieve gross profit of 16.7 billion won

[Korea Incheon financial newspaper reporter Lee, Dong - Kyu] Incheon Agricultural Inspection (yangdonghwan union president) said it posted a gross profit of 16.7 billion won last year. In the credit business by sector deposits it recorded a 526.8 billion won, 14.3 billion won to 437.8 billion won mutual financial loans to gross profit.

Economy business gross profit 15 billion won to buy the business, the business of selling 400 million won, Hanaro Mart business totaled 8.9 billion won to 2.4 billion won. Operating income, net of selling expenses and administrative expenses by 17 billion yuan, 1.5 billion won profit or loss is achieved grew 44% year-on-year. 300 million, including 45 million won to support education support to all members as fertilizers, pesticides, general materials, etc. were also conducted.

Agricultural Inspection economic plant is refurbished by farming materials to promote the center and convenience of farmers and union members.

Agricultural Inspection said, "profitability, asset quality, enhanced by the efforts of our employees, expanding liquidity and overcome the difficult business environment, projects such as smart financial activate the card and insurance business base expansion."

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