Monday, February 20, 2017

Southeastern Agricultural, delinquency ratio of 0.2% for maintenance

[Korea Incheon financial newspaper reporter Lee, Dong - Kyu] southeast cooperatives (union president gimwanhui) rose by 0.2% delinquency rate and preserves the meantime, key management ratio which was exacerbated by the rapid growth in loan assets increased contributions movement revaluation.

Agricultural southeast of last year's gross profit of 32.08 billion won a year earlier growth was 5.3% (16 million). But operating loss was recorded 3.41 billion won, down 4.8% YoY, net profit last year to achieve 300 million won to 3.31 billion won increase from the previous year. Last year, the support of education expenses to the Executive had a total of 1.395 billion won to 584 million won, including material support farming and farming jidobi. Paid contributions grew to 58 billion won (15.5%) increased by 53.6 billion won compared to the previous year end. The capital is 94.4 billion won.

Southeastern Agricultural Cooperative, said, "It is more than the previous year net profit increased efforts by all employees focused on the result of the union's active assistance and projects."

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