Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The fines jeungseonwi, create false financial statements CS ... BAA sanctions Taoyuan India

[Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] FSC Securities and Futures Commission 15 days the third prosecution charges, fines, securities issued to the CS, including five companies that created the year the financial statements in violation of accounting standards in meeting limits, CEO dismissal recommendation, measures were specified, including the auditors.

CS & D base was also missing hype recorded history and the collateral provided. Jeungseonwi issued a sanction of fines for violation of Taoyuan accounting firm auditing standards and auditing the CS, and earn additional compensation fund, including audits of the Company Limited.

Who did not list the transactions with related parties Details 2 billion won in financial statements is a privately held corporation MJ disposal of non-issuance limit was 10 months, including down. CEO of the company were accused prosecutors.

In addition jeungseonwi was also punished a privately held corporation Annex mother, namjeong development, simseok.

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