Friday, March 31, 2017

Baekbok of KT & G boss, jump to the declaration of the second export enhanced

"I will strengthen the right to perform export and management innovation, and social responsibility to lead the doyakgi 30th anniversary of the first" [Korea sinmijin financial newspaper reporter]

Baekbok of KT & G said the 31st president of the Future Vision at 30th Anniversary of the founding ceremony of the event held at the Training Center headquarters in Daejeon Daedeok.

Anniversary of KT & G is the transition from 1 April jeonmaecheong to resell Korea Ltd. in 1987. Since 1989, the name changed back to Korea Tobacco & Ginseng Corp., was changed to the current "keyitiaenji (KT & G) 'four people in 2002.

KT & G was improved performance starting at privatization in 2002 significantly. Last year, revenue was 4 trillion 503.3 billion won, operating profit of 1 trillion 470.1 billion won all born as compared to 2002 increased more than 100%, the market capitalization was also up more than four times as 13 trillion won.

Since 1988, the first exports, KT & G has played an aggressive overseas expansion strategies, including the establishment of a local factory and corporation, and acquired a local company. As a result, beginning in 2015 exports surpassed domestic demand that KT & G said.

In the previous 29 days KT & G said, joseonghae a shopping complex in Sejong City sets out to large leasing businesses. The industry believes that KT & G in addition to the tobacco business focusing on real estate, such as bio-pharmaceutical ‧ establishing business with profitability and growth portfolios.

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