Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Camcorder, 'camcorders library, opened in Daejeon

[Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] opened a camcorder, camcorder library 'opening ceremony on the inhabitants of local children's center located in Jung-gu, Daejeon Metropolitan City (South Korea Asset Management Corporation, President munchangyong) it is 13 days.

The event was attended by the president, such as munchangyong camcorder, bakyonggap Daejeon, junggucheongjang, Chapter Sung Min Yu bokrye local children's center.

'Camcorder library (KamcoBrary)' is a camcorder (KAMCO) and is a portmanteau of the library (Library), projects that support reading environment for local children by installing a small library in the local children's center will be honey bigger dreams through books .

After camcorder before the headquarters was opened in 2014 in Busan, the camcorder library 1-8 Shop at Busan, Changwon, Jeonju and after the opening of this year there were a total of 11 war until today.

Camcorder munchangyong said "a lot of children to dream and through books and communicate with the world hope to grow into strong future talent," said "Training base of the camcorder is gatgetda constantly interested so brought a big dream from all over the country," he He said.

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