Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Best Investment & Securities, and Samsung Asset Management offers ETF trading

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper News] The Best Investment is underway as a 'KODEX MSCI World ETF' trading event until next fourteen days with Samsung Asset Management said 14 days.

The Best Investment securities account of the customer retention KODEX MSCI World ETF (Ticker 251 350) is first-come, first-served basis to customers trading more than one standard 3 to 5 people Manchuria stocks daily ₩ 50,000 worth of department store gift certificates will be paid.

As well as the possible duplicate the daily prize winner announced the event on a weekly basis and can receive a free gift with mobile within a week after the announcement.

The 'KODEX MSCI World ETF' commodity ETF is to track the MSCI WORLD index that invests in medium to large publicly traded shares of 23 countries incorporated in the MSCI index developed countries.

Event Participation Applications are available at the Best Investment securities or HTS.

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