[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] CJ Group's catering firm CJ fresh ingredients and the way he conducted technical training to improve the quality and production targets farmers who carry out the contract rice cultivation.
CJ Freshway and Jeonbuk Iksan, one hwangdeung NACF is jointly organized technical training was held attended in the last 22 days more than 200 rice farmers in contract farming Iksan technical training center.
The training has focused on standardization to introduce each other cultivated agriculture farm seed disinfection, other municipalities, including best practices and cultivation techniques specific time. In April this year, starting with the first coming planting technical training and June will conduct professional training in accordance with the respective period of growth right yukmyobeop, fertilizer and pesticide use, such as rice.
CJ Freshway agricultural team official said, "The training is to share the best cultivation farming in the manual reconciliation number of contract growers aims," he said "standardization of precise cultivation farming is to improve the quality of the rice, which increased per unit production lead to stressed it would contribute to farm income. "
CJ Presidio Way last July Iksan, hwangdeung cooperatives and agricultural and special products production, consumption and distribution activate excess profits for the rice harvest minutes increase than the reference target rice contract growers of the year the industry's first acid after signing a business agreement and I shared.
Iksan is planning to support the business and win-win cooperation enabled and local rice for rice seeds for consumption promotion support business expense of agriculture 100 million won (am carrying 50 million won, farmers pay 50 million won), hwangdeung cooperatives to accomplish this is to secure the rice seed 50 tons It is a state.
Meanwhile, CJ Freshway has grown in the last year carried out a contract 240ha farm in Iksan area this year, and plans to expand to a 108% increase compared to the previous year 500ha. Area farmers are also involved in the cultivation contract as more farmers grew last year from 127 to 245 farmers.
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