Average daily trading volume record 22kg [Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] of gold in the gold market to buy arms KRX opened three years like stocks and can be achieved top-line growth of 3.9 times. September has gotta push and a mini-market gold traded seeking to diversify.
Korea Exchange gotta have 23 days to trade gold Transparent gold price of KRX markets opened after a total of 8.8 tons (396.5 billion won), he said that opening the market to meet the intent of the voice market bisexual. Since March 24th 2014 opened the market to date (past 20 days) dwaeteumyeo total of 8803kg of gold is traded on the KRX market amounted to the equivalent of about 396.5 billion won scale.
This year, the average daily trading volume grew 289.3% in 2014 compared to 21.8kg, the maximum daily trading volume and trading volume was 6.3 billion won, respectively 128.3kg, based on last June 10th.
Exchange side explained that because of government tax incentives (tax exemptions, tariff exemption, tax relief, etc.) and KRX's fees and aggressive marketing activities such as trade policy enabled. KRX market gold prices were falling at the time of 420 days of this month but January 40 000 reference market trading day of March 2014 as compared to ₩ 4,720 ₩ 6,950 ₩ 2,230 (-4.8%).
Exchange official said, "almost the same as the international gold price fluctuations and direction were formed in the KRX market price of gold this year compared to the international average gold price 100.46% level," he said.
If you look at the market participants into gold bullion supplier of real business is primarily selling, individuals want a real asset investment was in the form mainly of copies.
The total number of copies sold ratio decreased from 45.3% in 2014, real operators, private investors 54.7% this year, respectively 38.9% (6.4 percentage points), 53.1% (1.6 percentage points).
This is because the increase (7.7 percentage points), depending on the gravity of the agency LP (liquidity provider) system introduced last year performed 7 February.
Exchange side, said in September pursuing a mini-traded gold to meet the small-scale real asset investment demand. Gold related funds, such as futures and ETF linked to product development, KRX listed gold market is forecast will continue to be expanded.
Also take advantage of gold ETF gold spot index to be announced 27 days too come and the goal this year listed. In addition to plans by the investor also customized training and marketing expansion, LP provides incentives for the gold market active.
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