[Korea Jeongseon financial newspaper reporters] were compressed in December last year, the new CEO of four newly independent candidates launched the Fisheries Bank Sh.
According to the banking industry in 7 days, last three days, ended with the withdrawal of Fisheries bankers conspired support the executive director of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives gangsinsuk of five candidates support haengjang was compressed to four people. Who is a permanent internal audit gangmyeongseok, the other 2 were from private banks and other non-financial personnel is one of them.
Fisheries officials who did not support yiwontae Bank also did not challenge the terms.
Fisheries Bank is expected to recommend a final one people after opening the candidate interview eight days haengjang Nomination Committee (Acts cold).
Cold source line is composed of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Financial Services Commission, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries personnel three people, including government personnel federation recommend two people.
Particularly interested in whether the gathered officials from applicants who do not have the first internal haengjang come out. Fisheries Federation has 100% stake in the bank, but meantime it is difficult to ignore the impact as much as the government invested more than 1 trillion won of public funds. Meanwhile, government officials from the Fisheries Bank mainly took place in the haengjang. If yijuhyeong former CEO of Fisheries from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Deposit Insurance Corporation is also yiwontae current haengjang origin.
Recent national financial industry labor union National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives Branch has issued a statement to cite "financial expertise of senior bankers highest qualifications' was also required to" preclude parachute personnel and thorough verification.
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