[Korea financial newspaper ohahreum News] Samsung has come up to 10 days in Suwon, win-win cooperation Academy training centers targeting primary and secondary suppliers for new employees 60 people, in 2017 the first partner for new employees introductory training 'to say 7 days conducted He said.
The training will be conducted during the five days of the program, such as Samsung Electronics, based on the orientation of new employees training curriculum for new employees △ △ △ correct occupational sense about business etiquette △ △ environmental safety management.
Instructors and training facilities, as well as to Samsung supports all accommodation and meal expenses for the training camp for this training.
This year the training was to establish a vision for the corporate life to new employees outlining the online community and mouth before starting, to enable communication between the new employees were able to build a bond.
Also, I make through the 'Vision Plate (Vision Plate)' draws a vision from the company would like to achieve on a plate to visualize their dreams and hopes doesaegil the vision and goals of the company as a new employee for life.
Samsung's partner, SFA personnel director gotta be "new recruits are usually there is a job training receive priority, learning basic virtues can be equipped as a society rookie, such as self-leadership and business manners through the SEC's educational forming and Community industry employees , has been a great help in the field work or job promotion, "he said.
In addition to Ms. group Samsung Win-Win Cooperation Center vice president, "Samsung Electronics is to support human resource development in the partner from 2013 support partners new employee training" and "introductory training business expertise ensured so that new employees can easily adapt to the company He said it also planned to strengthen "job training.
Samsung win-win cooperation and in addition to this training academy leadership and professional job training, environmental safety, education, etc. on new employees from the CEO to the offline tiered specialized training to improve the skills of employees of partner companies support free of charge.
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