The flexible working arrangements that were expanded around the [financial newspaper sinyuncheol Korea News] private banks will be expanded to a national bank. Flexible working hours and telecommuting refers to a selective agent such time that companies voluntarily adjusting the output to suit the circumstances of the given time off work, Exodus, time off work instead of individuals.
◇ Industrial Bank expand flexible working arrangements determined
Industrial Bank has been operating a pilot flexible working arrangements to small targets four division headquarters 30 people since last October. It began in earnest in March introduced to expand targets headquarters staff 2900 people, including the rush hour commute differential selective agent. There are now gimdojin Bank emphasized the appointed time, "Bank employees are happy, '' Banks want to work, this expansion flexible working arrangements are seen as the result reflects this trend.
The commute is a difference scheme for employees to choose the rush hour. 7:00 a.m. to determine the work time of 30 minutes between 10:00 am If you are between 30 minutes and eight hours a day is a day of working hours (excluding rest one hour).
In the field point is a situation that is already utilized by introducing the 'Select rush hour workweek. The target under the third grade staff based on the existing elementary school 1-3 grade children (under 9 years old) decided to expand the staff with children.
Choose one hours rush hour workweek is shorter than 8 hours of work time to the hours worked by existing institutions that leave work at 6 pm at 10am. The system for care staff to raise young children. Select rush hour workweek can be utilized as a month within a maximum of one year.
◇ banks, the faster settlement of
The introduction of the first commercial banks of flexible working hours is a place Shinhan Bank. Shinhan Bank has introduced a smart working hours (flexible working hours) consisting of zero point and full smart targeting employees working center work, telecommuting, self commute from July last year. At the time Park Geun-hye government also seemed high interest to the president by visiting the site, flexible working arrangements. 100,000 in November environment since last July showed the system utilization. Working conditions 3000 Smart Center, telecommuting has performed with increased utilization compared to the initial situation 400.
KB Kookmin Bank is April sikindaneun policy to enable the introduction of flexible working arrangements, such as two-shift working arrangements in accordance with the formal business expansion to night operations not targeting 7:00 pm 100 nationwide branches coming. Two-shift working hours are commuting to handle the staff of a half case analysis of the number of business transactions with customers visit per customer time low level of congestion in the morning time customer business and yangbunhwa business hours as the other half of the employees working in night hours you can adjust the working manner.
We also went to the bank to trial flexible working arrangements. Currently it operates a total of 82 affiliated dotted janggeup work less hours 10:00 - 11:00 self-selective agent that should be targeted to all employees at least twice a month obligations. Our banks are coming as early as April 28 after a trial operation to check the improvement of employees will be full implemented in the first half. KEB, Hana Bank is still open, review the introduction of flexible working arrangements are still pending specific period.
Citibank is being implemented flexible working arrangements since 2007. 220 people corresponding to 6% of all employees are currently taking advantage of flexible working arrangements.
◇ Side effects are a concern
Just as flexible working arrangements have spread rapidly than expected Some observers also send the eye of a concern. Problems with work space is currently being used by relatively few are utilized mainly in the head office branch personnel. Among employees deprivation problem in this regard it is also being considered. But ever-present transactions who wish to work while solving space problems, but the atmosphere is expected to continue to exist between the different regions use pattern staff discrimination.
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