Thursday, March 9, 2017

FSS this year, complaints handling professionals employed 40 people

[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Financial Supervisory Service employs 40 people this year, complaints handling expertise.

The FSS said that nine days shorter processing times, such as civil conflict, plans to hire additional professional staff have many years of experience in the field 2017 financial complaints handling for improved civil service. Last year, the bar has adopted 78 kills and professional staff handles complaints.

This year it adopted a total of around 40 people and supports 11 major local areas such as Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Daejeon, Incheon and Changwon, Jeju, Jeonju, Chuncheon Chungju, Gangneung.

Eligibility is in charge of complaint handling more than 10 years of experience or a finance company working more than 15 years of experience as civil progress and guidance counseling, simple dispute resolution, such as in finance. Employment policy is a form of commitment is long-term employment contract to work performance Possess a good command within two years. Maintenance is an annual level of 30 million won. Employment application form accepting the second half of this month 17 jimyeo wonder, the successful candidate will be announced April 28 through documents, Interview.

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