[Korea gimeunji financial newspaper reporter] Grand Ambassador Seoul Hotel is the industry's first CCM (Consumer-oriented management) until December 31 to celebrate the certification unveiled 'ssissi Mr. Mer (C: Merci: C)' package.
Consumer-Oriented Management (CCM, Consumer Centered Management) is a system for evaluating the Korea Consumer Agency in all the activities that the configuration is now done from the perspective of consumers, and constantly improve and certified by the Fair Trade Commission.
This package consists of the Kings one night and breakfast for two in the comfort of the rooms, the Ambassador is available in a gift set of three cookies. Official packages are available reservation price is only ₩ 189,000 a website. There is no separate service charge and 10% VAT.
Jimyeo packages available for all customers free access to the hotel's swimming pool and fitness benefits are given, two capsules espresso coffee in my room and enjoy Nespresso coffee machine is provided free of charge.
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