Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Instead Institute "senior pharmaceutical company executives, key to securing the maximum independence."

He pointed out [Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] Governance Institute has served as a plethora Having the most senior executives of pharmaceutical companies instead of the opposite reason.

According to the Institute for Governance of the coming 15 days instead of 17 days to 92 companies that listed companies Shareholders' Meeting held pharmaceutical companies are share of 26.1% in 24 companies.

Instead of the Institute, which had opposed recommendations for the General Shareholders' Meeting Agenda Item 12 of the 72 cases of senior executives of pharmaceutical companies filed an opinion held that day.

Instead, the opposite side of senior officers recommendation rate target by 92 companies was 12.8%, but senior officers opposed recommendation rate of pharmaceutical companies has determined that there is room for further improvement to 16.7%.

Instead of over-training institute worked side by a 61.5% opposite reasons, it was diagnosed independence compromised show concern for 30.7%. Eventually, excessive training, particularly employment was opinion that the concerns and undermine the independence of the Mac together. Therefore, in senior pharmaceutical company executives it said the biggest challenge is securing independence.

Instead, the Institute is responsible for its content researcher said, "Looking at the former career in the Shareholders' Meeting of 17 to be held pharmaceutical company, elected as a candidate officers (outside directors, audit) by discipline, the winning percentage of accounting and tax entity and recorded a 14.8%" It diagnosed as "high side compared to what this former career in accounting and tax areas the proportion of officer candidates of the day the whole company 6.9%".

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