[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] MG Insurance has launched an online-only '2030 Insurance' that address the needs and concerns at a time of 2030's first three recent industry. This product guarantees a comprehensive risk their lives arrange the seven themes of the 2030 three-optimized lifestyle.
MG fiddling 2030 target to derive the properties of the concerns and worries of the three into seven themes, academic, JOB, marriage, Beauty, Leisure, health and driving ', and it applies to the' 2030 Insurance '. It was housed ensure the necessary means for each theme to address all the concerns with the 2030 as one of three products were able to sign up quickly and easily streamline the process.
'2030 Insurance' is a flagship product of MG Insurance CM channel (#JOY direct), was also prepared a variety of customer convenience. When you add in the KakaoTalk 'Joey Tok (AI-based) "to a friend premiums it can be calculated and counseling, and can be easily payment by premium cacao page. Also anytime and anywhere, shopping as a PC or a mobile can easily sign up.
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