[Korea before lower cervical financial newspaper reporter] 'If the view is a little different from women and young people are not disadvantaged Finance Finance vulnerable. To see if there is a financial need but can not get a loan from women and young people can receive financial services Savings banks and moneylender nappeugeman view '
Is a savings bank officials have commented on the press release, the Senator embellish around the neck. The lawmakers had criticized around the neck, and the last three days, moneylender, savings bank household loans, high interest rates half a run for women and youth class income underprivileged inconsistent dwaetdamyeo financial companies operating in these high-interest loans targeted.
The financial authorities also improve lending practices and high interest rates can raise their voices should proactively respond to household debt. In calculating loan interest conduct a suitability test and research has focused savings banks have increased household debt. Moneylender also put downward pressure on interest rates is eager to junggeumri lending policies. But it is a question of the savings bank financial authorities, the moneylender okjoegi if I can give financial help to substantially disadvantaged or marginalized Finance.
People came to the savings bank loans, except for a few visits are well and did not know many of them jeosinyongja been rejected in the first financial institutions. Since the probability of high-quality normal repayment is delayed depending on the individual grade credit losses is logical that it should be, considering the high interest. In fact, we set a ratings decline in customers using the savings banks in CB for the same reason big four. Provision is also inevitable choice As you consider the savings bank built business stability. Of course, high interest rates are a burden that's true in any case. I did attaches to the Village of money to the debtor borrowed money, gun positions may be unfair. Second, even if the burden of value people need money right away if you have high interest rates to borrow money rorado. Among jeosinyongja receive a high interest rate loan even if interest rates up to deal with any of 27.9% is also clearly who need feeding. 27.9% of these people are also savings banks, after all, can only knock on the door, four illegal market does not receive a loan from the moneylender.
A senior official also said lenders' refusal danghamyeon often go from us illegally received four markets and more than twice the principal 'illegal sanctions four companies is difficult even got out of the financial supervision authorities,' he said.
Last year, four were caught illegally average interest rate loan, according to the Korea Finance Association's 2279%. Since interest rate cuts in the top 34.9% to 27.9% are estimated to also increase the amount of Private Financing available. According to the survey results of Gallup Korea unlawful use of Private Financing totaled 24.1144 trillion won last year, increased to approximately 10.5897 trillion won in 2015. After lowering the top rate loan audit is strengthened, it also means customers declined in the two banks do not give loans.
There is increasing need money seomincheung are being strengthened loan examination. The financial authorities announced credited to add a provision to the savings banks, capital company. This allowance is paid no choice but to count the loan examination to be strengthened by increased dramatically.
Authorities released the financial thing for people to see the damage caused by loan examination strengthen supplement is 'loans'. Junggeumri increase loan supply sait stone would be strengthened youth support. TABLE financial authorities can not embrace the 'loan' all financial underprivileged. With all the people here and there to find out the loan rejection bujigisu Rondo sunshine. This way you can get a loan in one jeosinyongja jaetekeu site has been chosen as the most popular posts. If we can not get a loan you can not but go to four companies for illegal because it needs the money right away.
To cope up with the high interest rates to borrow money to not have a hierarchical jobs, it must be based on the welfare of such scholarships. Now is the appearance that only strengthened loan examination is not without basis. Financial authorities have recognized that more than 20%, and loan interest rates is bound to suffer clogged the populace.
While times have changed the definition of financial marginalized are destined. In the past, the young man was not be as vulnerable to the financial college tuition, living expenses these loans are also changes to those in need of financial support. Even when there is no guarantee jalnagadeon shipbuilding workers now it does not tumble to the people who look at me right now or suffer from job insecurity or be my friend rorado a high interest rate loan. Of course, irrational lending rate calculation should be improved. It should of course go through interest rates down. But regardless of financial marginalized vulnerable groups or finance it is clear Im financial hierarchy is needed.
If you can not resolve alone lending policy authorities should cooperate and eventually savings bank, moneylender. If you do not have to choose a fundamental shift solution may chaak better.
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