Monday, April 24, 2017

Able C & C, the largest shareholder Leaf and Vine tender bullish on news

[Korea Seo Hye Rin nine financial newspaper reporters] are showing a bullish news on the tender leaves of the vine and the largest shareholder of Able C & C has changed.

24 days from the current Securities Market 9:30 AM Able C & C is 3.18% (900 W) from the previous trading day trading being right on the 29,200 won.

Wednesday Leaf and Vine has posted that the additional acquisition by Able C & C distribution shares up to 10,169,491 shares, 60.21% of the tender offer. Tender offer price per share Common stock 29,500 won a tender price is about 3000 billion. After the tender offer, ownership of the leaf and bar and special parties are likely to reach 87.27%.

Leaf and Vine is a subsidiary of Able C & C Advertising agency. Over the past 21 days Columbine leaf and has acquired 100% stake in the investment company Venus won. Stake in Venus won the Seo Youngpil represented by a leaf and a bar Shem acquired 4,313,730 shares (25.54%).

Thus, instead bakeunjeong Institute for Securities said that "the current dividend payout ratio is high, and this increases the room for upward largest shareholder change-related events compared to the industry average is positive."

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