[Reporter Korea goyounghun financial newspaper] Government Employees Pension Corporation has announced that it elected 24 days before the IPO process through the trust funds Director (CIO) Lee Changhun Prudential Asset Management representative. The contract period may be extended by agreement on a yearly basis in accordance with a two-year and earnings.
Lee Changhun new leader is a graduate of Seoul National University, Department of Business Administration in 1963. Born Since since while joining the National Investment Trust in January 1989 Introduction to the financial industry, Samsung Asset Management Co., Management Director, Macquarie Investment Management unit chief investment officer (Deputy CIO), South Korea (Formerly mobilization) Investment Management Asset Management Division, Prudential Asset he served as management representatives.
The GM will assume the task of the future oversee the funds, including pension funds of civil servants, stocks, bonds and alternative investments. Financial asset management scale of the end of March this year, civil servants pensions is the total 7.4691 trillion won.
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