[Hyomun financial newspaper reporters standing in Korea - Hanwha total, followed by the breakthrough performance of Hanwha As established itself as a "trusted man" of the Hanwha Group Chairman Kim Seungyeon. While operating profit recorded a near 10-fold rise in the past three years, it is carried out new revenue streams role within the group.
Last year, total operating income of the Hanwha and Hanwha Chemical posted a 1.4467 trillion won, 779.2 billion won, respectively. Given the tremendous growth in the last one we showed a 100 billion won operating profit in 2014. The two companies have soared over the past year, operating profit more than doubled since 2014.
In the case of Hanwha Total △ it was recorded 1.4467 trillion won in 2014 172.7 billion won △ 2015 in 797.4 billion won △ 2016 years, Hanwha showed operating profit rise of 779.2 billion won △ in 1413 201.4 billion won △ 3370 2015 years, one hundred million won △ 2016 years.
Such growth has resulted in a low dielectric since 2015 due to the keynote. Concerns about Kim Seungyeon last Hanwha Total 2014 Hanwha Group chairman (Samsung Total time) at the time of the takeover market oil price slump environment, what re-entering the refining existed in 15 years. However, a low dielectric keynote was an opportunity to strengthen the cost competitiveness of the petrochemical industry.
Accordingly, Hanwha Chemical and Hanwha Total recorded a noticeable rise in operating profit annually eyes. Hanwha Total explained, "it is the last low dielectric trend that began in 2015 has greatly improved the cost competitiveness of the United States, China Petroleum & Chemical Co. against domestic companies."
Future prospects for Hanwha Corp. and Hanwha Chemical total line up to the top of my incredible group are staggered. In the case of Hanwha Total it approved a total of 539.5 billion won in the last 12 days the size of the 'NCC (Naphtha Cracking Center) side gas cracker' and GTG (Gas Turbine Generator, gas turbine generator) capacity. Through this investment Hanwha Total is reported to be possible to produce additional 310,000 tons, 130,000 tons of ethylene per year of propylene. Total ethylene, propylene yield of the subsequent expansion Hanwha total is expected to reach 140 million tons, 1.06 million tons, respectively.
Choejuuk Korea Ratings Rating 4 Room evaluate professional members "Hanwha Total has a low dielectric has widened the profit scale flagship product greatly depending on the vessel," he said "but decided recently invested, and has the financial ability to sufficiently endure it "he explained.
In contrast to point out that for Hanwha result in additional financial burdens for the affiliates out there. Hanwha Chemical has been involved in the last 10 days subsidiary of Hanwha Galleria capital increase (2000 billion). As expected a deficit of Duty Hanwha Galleria Time World Duty Free, which is engaged in the business of Hanwha Galleria is ongoing concern that can be made for additional support.
Times because of Korea Ratings Rating 4 rooms senior researcher "amount that this capital increase funds flowing into the Hanwha Galleria subsidiary Hanwha Galleria-Time World has been identified as not" "But of that duty free business is constantly falling Hanwha Chemical additional paid-in capital increase is still the possibility of supporting, "he added.
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