Thursday, April 6, 2017

Daegu Bank and the Korea Industrial Technology cooperation, industrial technology, protection business agreement

[Korea financial newspaper Daegu = bakminhyeon reporter] DGB Financial Group DGB DGB (CEO Park Ingyu) Enterprise Management Consulting Center and (g) of the Korea Industrial Technology Protection Association (Executive Vice angyeonghun) will last four days local SMEs in the DGB DGB second headquarters industrial progress to provide advisory services, and training for technical protection, industrial technology protects enterprises cooperation signing ceremony, announced on the 5th.

"Corporate Industrial Technology Protection cooperation signing ceremony" the DGB DGB enterprise management consulting center consulting services capabilities and (g) to correlate the capacity for industrial technology protection of the Korea Industrial Technology Association for the Protection of Industrial Security diagnosis of local SMEs, consulting, by supporting education, providing security solutions, industrial training security professionals, including prevention of leakage of valuable industrial technology future SMEs and aims to provide consulting and training services to enable during spill response.

Promote the security industry Free training for local SMEs in the first joint venture with mutual business agreement, which will gradually push the next diagnostic and industrial security consulting, security training industry professionals.

Park Ingyu bankers "This mutual business through the Convention by providing management consulting and linking industrial security services to local SMEs technology spill prevention and industrial security awareness reinforcement, long-term security measures are provided such as corporate security enhancement, and improved external confidence through such We expect the quality improvement of industrial technology protection, "he said.

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