That the [South Korea financial newspaper Daegu = bakminhyeon reporter] DGB Financial Group DGB DGB is actively related projects such as building a digital IT R & D center in order to strengthen future response capacity with a strong promotion of digital banking 4th Industrial Revolution 26 one said.
DGB DGB this year fits the founding half a century, 'DGB New Start toward the new '50' naeseun to management objectives are enhancing their IT competitiveness by strengthening constantly ever R & D activities, and identify new IT technology and new growth ideas and business applying the trend, the goal of promotion.
For this first "digital (Digital) IT R & D Center established operations in the IT division under the suit it focuses on training professionals. Had to dig through the research, development and promotion of new business in key IT technology as "digitally (Digital) IT R & D centers' operating enhance its competitiveness for future technologies.
Digital (Digital) IT R & D Center is the massive commitment of professionals, selected through a public offering employees working at the DGB DGB IT Division consists of three teams. 4 car industry through regular R & D activities on new technologies such as IT and the key elements of big data and artificial intelligence, the block chain of the IT revolution, enhance competitiveness and are seeking to discover new ideas and business growth.
DGB Daegu Bank for Digital (Digital) IT R & D Center with the operation, accident digitized by IT Division employees approach and performance enhancing competitiveness through self-education course offerings, study groups operate, regular seminars, etc. personnel training with also promote together.
Last April, it announced the promotion chosen by the conference itself, including through research and idea contest and employees brainstorm challenges, and it was a resolution for the successful implementation of the selected projects. Digital (Digital) IT R & D Center is expected to begin the initiatives the basis of artificial intelligence, big data, O2O, Cloud, including the following six topics selected on a variety of topics total of 13 initiatives in the authentic building this year conducted a goal to be.
Park Ingyu Bank sets the DGB going to grow dynamically to constantly challenge and innovation do not fit in the New Year message this year the 50th anniversary of the founding aims, and decided to promote the digital banking 4th Industrial Revolution era.
For this new customer analytics planning team, including new business unit dedicated to IT and digital customer center, big data this year and has been strengthening its digital-based finance as one of the key strategies for future correspondence.
DGB DGB IT official said, "nagagetda support ongoing R & D activities and digital banking strategy based on the Bank through the active support of enterprise-wide."
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