Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fisheries Bank haengjang next four days re-elected after all discussions

[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters] were misfires once again re-elect conspiracy Sh haengjang nakjeom of Fisheries banks that were accomplished by.

According to the 2nd banking industry, Fisheries Bank CEO Nomination Committee (Acts cold) did not select the final nominee at the next Fisheries CEO candidate target July 31 interview.

Fisheries Bank Row cold had come to re-discuss the next 4 days haengjang finalists senior issues.

Last month, nine days ahead of Fisheries Bank has decided to finally re-bar conspiracy failed to reach an agreement on the next haengjang recommended. But that is not known to have differences between the cold source line narrowing in July 31.

Fisheries Bank Row cold gotta have two masters government side is recommended by the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives three people outside directors recommended a total of five people. Final nominations shall be approved (two thirds) or more rows cold committee four.

The next haengjang edge has supported a total of 11 candidates, including the current yiwontae Fisheries Bank and the Bank of gangmyeongseok Fisheries standing auditor.

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