Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Gwak Beomguk Forecast president, Taiwan Forecast employees subject lectures

This [financial newspapers around the lower cervical Korea News] Gwak Beomguk Deposit Insurance Corporation president proceeded to speak Taiwanese Deposit Insurance Corporation Employees destination.

Forecast Gwak Beomguk president of the 11th Taipei material Taiwan had a speech on the topic of visiting Deposit Insurance Corporation targeting Taiwan Forecast employees' Korea Forecast past, present and future, "and signed an MOU to strengthen amount based interval mutual cooperation 11 days said.

Convention Taiwanese forecast and jochida consideration the amount period period claims paid MOU, including the grounds for a related discussion global financial crisis, for example, the incidence multinational bank insolvency contrast country views interval Cooperation procedure laid necessity in case the bank insolvency operating in the two countries .

The speech was also attended by special request yirwojin according to Taiwan's forecast Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission and the Central Bank personnel. Taiwan side has shown an interest in the bar construction role in the past, a large mutual savings bank cleanup process.

Gwak Beomguk President naganeunde to expand the exchanges to share mutual experiences in meeting with the MOU signing ceremony immediately after Paul Ray (Paul Lei) Chairman as the leading organization in Taiwan forecasts and forecast construction was such an opinion. In particular, reportedly as a means to the countries that need to have that in IADI and enforcement activities during wiwonguk providing deposit insurance system based on active cooperation with relevant international and Asian countries.

12 to 13 forecasts are scheduled to conduct training for Taiwanese integrated deposit insurance system operations targeting Taiwan Forecast employees at local, permanent monitoring system and fund management.

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