Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Industry, June designated special areas from industrial crisis

[Korea's financial standing hyomun newspaper reporter] industry officials to come to carry out the six designated areas densely sector crisis in January as "industrial crisis special areas (special areas), and various supports.

Usually the Ministry of Industry, said that 11 days from 12 days comes the "Special Act on Balanced National Development Decree, specifying the details on the special area designated targets, criteria and specified period, the key support information and designated off Legislative notice.

This notice legislation is interpreted as 'sino save' does not deviate from the global recession. Last October 31, the government has announced a hanba shipbuilding dense local development plan. ' In the field of preparedness and steel with a heightened sense of crisis due to strengthened trade protectionism is also the pool.

Decree comes through procedures such opinions, Legislation and regulatory review, six loans, the State Council decision into effect May 22.

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