Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Pension "DSME debt adjustments difficult to accept ... Shareholder decision urging "

Said [Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] pension is negative stance can not be accepted for 11 days KDB Daewoo Shipbuilding industry is a presenting bank debt, including adjustments. But if you take the time to discuss further it hinted that the situation is also be altered.

NPS "Daewoo has increased the interest of national pension on whether Shipbuilding & Marine debentures related to equity swap accommodate deepened concern in the market" and "to consider the profitability and stability of the fund management principles to manage and operation of pension funds , "he said.

Pension holds the DSME corporate bonds of about 400 billion won worth half is a trading halt shares. Put a grace period of three years and the other half is about the position that should be changed six years due to corporate bonds.

In addition, pension side "if they do not accept were required to determine that while the moon is not accepted within a period of not being a part of the pre-packaged plan of the court applied" and "Fund headquarters for the usually goes debt restructuring prior consultation is, of course was not even pre-due diligence, "he revealed dissatisfaction.

This hagien assess the financial condition and future regenerative potential of the company presented data KDB side is that the lack of comments. The choice of whether to accept, in fact, the loss of the proposed debt adjustments also added that there is a continuing risk of inappropriate and out does.

NPS "If you accept the debt adjustments in the status quo must endure the loss of public retirement funds to save a particular company," said, "This deviates from the original purpose, which shall manage the funds for the benefit of the 20 million people Pension one, "argued.

Following "is the best choice for a pension has a precise evaluation and time for future regenerative potential, debt restructuring scheme for treating the current state of the Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering for internal and external credit enhancement for the Korean financial investment markets and companies to share awareness outgoing process requires stressed that ".

Therefore it takes the time announced that Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering and urged a resolution of the shareholder side so that the agreed measures and stakeholders can be derived.

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