The selection of the MAS treated with [financial newspaper gimeunji Korea News] Jin Air is listed Sponsor and promote a full-scale public.
Jin Air for securities traded in markets with MAS treatment deuleogatdago the practical arrangements for the detailed schedule of due diligence and IPO preliminary examination revealed charged 24 days. This Jin Air plans to start full-scale operations to complete the IPO to go public this year.
Jin Air is an investment funding plan △ △ transparent management and ethical management companies embark on awareness and enhance brand value for △ △ strengthening financial stability continued growth through the IPO. Them the 2018 being the 10th anniversary of the founding of the first year make it a leap second through domestic as well as Northeast Asia is a blueprint that emerge as a leading and LCC.
Jin Air plans to use to build new businesses based on funding obtained through the IPO. It introduced eight aircraft by 2018, increasing to 30 (B737-800 24 vs., B777-200ER 6 units), the route is planned to be expanded by increasing the market share of 55 pieces. Sales plans that it has surpassed one trillion won 880 billion won in 2017, 2018 become a leading industry.
Han Jin Air was established in January 2008 to expand its domestic and international routes to Gimpo-Jeju route after first flying to Japan, China and Southeast Asia, such as continued high growth. Only the introduction of the B777-200ER aircraft, medium-to-high LCC's first long-haul LCC opened the era's flying like Incheon to Honolulu and Incheon to Cairns.
Jin Air last year, sales of 719.7 billion won, operating profit of 52.3 billion won in net profit was achieved with past earnings to 39.3 billion won. Yy are each increased in size 56%, 76%, 73%. In particular, revenues recorded the highest sales growth rate of domestic LCC's increased by 56% compared to the previous year. This is the seventh consecutive surplus after surplus achieved in 2010 first.
Jin Air's "requirement for listed already gatchwotjiman both from 2014, during decided to promote the IPO this year for complaining Results 10th anniversary review of several internal and external matters the momentum" and "successful completion of the IPO It said it would increase the corporate value and gain a foothold to become a global company. "
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