Announced on the 26th that they have entered into an [Korea sinmijin financial newspaper reporter] Kooksoondang research and industry cooperation memorandum for Kangwon National University and Kangwon brewing industry.
An official signing ceremony of the 25th baejungho Kooksoondang attended, including President and General gimheonyoung Kangwon National University was held in Seoul, Samsung-dong, Seoul Kooksoondang office.
The two organizations signed a memorandum of understanding on the occasion agreed to promote the mutual development between increasing the competitiveness of Gangwon Province brewing industry, etc. We train human resources and product development, leveraging the infrastructure have such expertise and know-how.
Kooksoondang are supported, including the facilities and personnel for Gangwon brewing industry sets out the brewing industry personnel training to promote the Kangwon National University. Kangwon National University plans to cooperate in a way that supports the equipment needed for product development.
Kooksoondang is proceeding steadily cooperation to foster competitiveness of the local brewing industry and personnel, including signed an MOU for Gangwon Agricultural Research and Commercialization main regional specialties and research cooperation in the last month.
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