The [financial newspapers around the lower cervical Korea News] Korea Federation of Savings Banks Savings Bank has selected four of the staff model. Savings Bank Federation has announced that starting the first phase of model employees to four people to hold a public contest conducted by internal and external public relations for the savings bank industry.
Targeting men and women employees 66 people supported by the recommendations, including through the camera, such as testing and evaluation of external experts Pepper Savings Bank Zhang Zun nine, OK Savings Bank sinyoungwoo double savings banks Kim Seon-Kyeong, IBK Savings Bank, Mr. Moon, Sun - Young has been selected as promotional models .
Staff act as models to represent the industry faces are a variety of promotional and advertising products image model for the savings bank image promotion.
Lee Sunwoo central president said, "policy as well as utilizing the model employees to strengthen the publicity for the industry's image promotion, to support the marketing activities of the lack of manpower and budgets lead to industry members and promote unity."
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