[All lower cervical financial newspaper reporters South Korea - South Korea Pin Tech Industry Association has proposed the pin-tech policies in the five presidential candidates.
Korea Pin Tech Industry Association proposed a policy of pin-tech industry to the major presidential candidates received five and delivered a stance on major policy direction from each of the presidential camp said Monday.
Korea Pin Tech Industry Association reflects the innovative service for pin-tech industry development and proposed a new regulatory framework for the introduction of the mobile era. The association was clear rules only matters that should be banned and Other acts are passed to allow such negative opinions (Negative) way of introducing regulations, provided the ecosystem that encourages the pin-tech start-up growth and substantial support measures established.
The main presidential candidates, but said the five are basically positive stance on the introduction of a regulatory scheme for start-up support and the negative pin-tech industrial development was the difference in the concrete realization ways and degrees.
Democratic Party candidate Moon Jae-in addition is the stance sets out to actively support the pin-tech industry to promote consumer benefits.
Candidate side door said, "of the transfer, seeking payment, P2P financial services platform, financial data analysis services and all the pins in the tech sector policies that expand support for start-up and ease the various costs."
For the restructuring of regulatory frameworks negative manner as the camp prior to the issue of deregulation necessary social consensus to be carried out simultaneously with enhanced post-regulation, saying junghi be taken to proceed with a cautious stance.
Hong Jun-pyo free hangukdang candidate has announced haejueoya improve the existing regulatory system and establish an aid package to enable the start-up based on new technologies.
Hong candidate has proposed a "country legal system that can not keep up with the changing technology to the market enable global trends and loopholes caused consumer protection" and "Step by Step Negative regulation will reform the system approach" and plan.
National Party candidate Ahn Cheolsu is a position that requires tech support related to various parts of the pin against a fourth round of industrial revolution era.
Not the candidate said, "will improve research and constitution of the 4th Industrial Revolution through a switch to regulate negative way about such convergence technology research."
BHS right party candidates were presented to the pin-tech start-up support department installed.
Yu candidate "pin-tech start-ups BHS candidate pledges at the heart of innovation seongjangron" and will switch to the center of industrial policy to start-ups and SMEs in the enterprise, "he said" conversion of the regulatory scheme preceding the president is directly responsible for the project, one shot resolved and emphasized that the pin will apply preferential a negative regulatory scheme to Tech start-up ".
Sim Sang-jung per definition the candidate plans hagetdaneun a market where start-up is able to compete fairly.
Sim candidate "chaebol reform through comprehensive measures create a fair competitive market, you can start up the entry into the market, and the organization, such as the creative economy to an innovation center consolidation and SME support governments in financial, tax and education for the start-up · I will conduct indirect support, "he said.
Just seam candidate has taken a negative stance on the negative regulatory scheme switching.
He said, "The regulation of the negative approach can serve as an unexpected financial consumer harm occurred or systemic risk increasing factors" and "pin-tech development and financial consumer protection, the biggest drawback regulations rather than comprehensively consider the advantage of the impact on financial system stability If there is a way to quickly improve it is desirable, "he said.
Yiseunggeon South Korea Pin Tech Industry Association president, "Understanding the various pin-tech sector and concrete and practical pity it is promoted measures such as insufficient" and "This candidate elected president has a strong commitment to drastic regulatory reform and a serious study and worry should be promoted through policies based on a clear roadmap for the various pin-tech industry development, "he said.
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