Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Korea Investment & Securities, Apple, Microsoft's underlying asset ELS Competition

To [South Korea financial newspaper goyounghun News] Korea Investment Holdings (071050) subsidiary Korea Investment & Securities has come a total of 3 billion won extent the 'TRUE equity-linked securities (ELS) 8636 times rising participation' as an underlying asset for Apple and Microsoft to 27 that recruitment announced Thursday.

1-year repayment type is TRUE ELS 8636 times the maximum rise participatory structure that revenue is limited, but the maximum loss is limited to 20% of commodity revenues, depending on the underlying asset price determined in due time.

The first criterion is based on the percentage of the low base price of the asset price at maturity maturity assessment evaluation days maturity assessment price by more than 100% of the initial reference price is 1.2 times the revenue achieved in the underlying asset inflation. If more than 80% of the initial reference price of less than 100% is caused by the loss harakyul underlying asset. Maturity assessment price is less than 80% of the initial reference price, even if the maximum loss is limited to the loss of 20%. The loss of principal up to the fire conditions are 20% satisfied.

Two won DS Division Manager, said, "by investing in foreign stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange blue-chip losses with leverage of 1.2 times the rise is a smart product to avoid risk of exchange fluctuations, and limited to 20%."

ELB 1 species of the same period, ELS 8 species, recruiting a total of 10 kinds of products, including the DLS 1 species, the minimum subscription limit is $ 500. For further information, contact us if you are to Korea Investment & Securities website or customer service center.

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