Wednesday, April 26, 2017

KOSDAQ CEO average model ... 55.2 years old major in science and engineering at Seoul National University

The CEOs of KOSDAQ listed companies have a large number of science and engineering graduates from Seoul National University who are 55.2 years old.

The KOSDAQ has announced the status of its CEOs on the KOSDAQ listed corporation that surveyed 1219 companies as of February 21,

The total number of executives on the KOSDAQ listed corporation is 1491 (average 1.2) CEOs, which is similar to 1383 (average 1.2) in 2016. The total number of executives was 17,971 (average 8.9), and the number of registered executives was 7028 (average 5.8).

The average CEO model is 55.2 years old, the college is Seoul National University, and the major is science and engineering. The age distribution is in the order of 50s (47.5%), 40s (22.1%), and 60s (20.5%).

In the order of science and technology (46.0%), Commerce (36.7%) and Humanities and Social Sciences (9.9%). The major subjects were business administration (25.8%), electronics (6.6%) and mechanical engineering (4.8%).

The final level of education was high school graduate (2.2%), college graduate (54.7%), master (21.9%) and doctor (15.3%). Seoul National University was the largest with 18.4 percent, followed by Yonsei University with 9.0 percent, Hanyang University with 8.6 percent, Korea University with 7.1 percent, Sungkyunkwan University with 3.7 percent and Yeungnam University with 3.6 percent.

The number of female CEOs also rose to 39, up 9 (30%) from 30 in 2016, while women accounted for 306 (4.4%) of all registered executives including CEOs.

(22.2%), legal profession (12.4%), financial institutions (10.6%), accounting and tax (10.0%), related institutions (2.7%), , And journalists (2.0%).

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