Monday, April 24, 2017

Lee Gyeongseop bankers, farmers account to join the heart with buhaengjang

He said [Korea sinyuncheol financial newspaper reporter] NH Agricultural Bank (Bank Lee Gyeongseop) joined the Bank as the 24th Lee Gyeongseop heart buhaengjang account of a farmer recently released ahead of the meeting, the savings.

'NH 農 心 - Farmers mind passbook, savings, agriculture and rural support for cooperatives economic business use performance and financial goods preferential conditions linked product NH NH Fill credit, debit card when you use the monthly average more than 150,000 won in Agricultural Economics business in If the passbook teller formula subscribers various financial fees, savings and subscribers will provide preferential interest rates of up to 0.4% p.

Specific items recognized 農 心 earnings △ cooperatives created Agricultural Support Center v Specify foster 强 小農 · Future agricultural management body Procurement △ cooperatives a market Procurement △ Agricultural one-Mart Procurement △ Agricultural Moguchon Procurement △ Agricultural ginseng Hansamin Procurement, etc. to be.

This item sales (annual cup) 强 小農 supporting 0.02% to earn money to create agricultural cooperatives in support of the management body, used in the future agricultural development projects.

Lee Gyeongseop CEO, said, "Through this product subscription, customers have the interest in our agriculture as well as the prime rate and will contribute to our agricultural development through the Fund earned", "Agricultural Bank ahead gogaekwa farmers all a happy financial products and services going to continue to make the "he said.

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