Sunday, April 23, 2017

"Holrida Samsung QLED TV quantum dot technology in Europe."

[Korea ohahreum financial newspaper News] Samsung Electronics on Monday (September 21) held a 'QLED Forum, featuring a Samsung QLED TV technology in Frankfurt, Germany.

This Day has had a high concern for quality professionals and Germany, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Europe in four countries specializing in technology media to attend en masse Samsung QLED TV technology.

The 'QLED forum "is a place to introduce the core technology of QLED TV technology to the European media, and share such debate away from the direction of development of quality lifestyle TV that changes in market trends and TV.

Samsung has also demonstrated a direct color volume test that measures the quality standards more stringent than the existing TV picture quality through the QLED TV.

Conventional quality evaluation method is not to be found when evaluating the quality of the TV based on specific brightness of dark screen brighter or that the color expression falling. Color volume is a new standard for measuring the image quality to vary according to the brightness of the screen.

QLED TV, Samsung is the world's first TV to represent the color 100% volume with the most up-to-date display materials of metal quantum dot semiconductors.

"The offer is such a variety of demonstration in perfect time was very mean gipeot good lease Tony 'car (Risto niska) of Finland the only tech review whether and monthly 40 Technicolor Khan million copies scale Mile Village (Tekniikan Maailma) attended the event was an opportunity to get a lot of information, "he said.

Weekly Top 55 Tech Sweden Anders Lund bug in the media M3 / IDG, which holds more than 20,000 visitors (Anders Lundberg) editor said, "particularly deep impression in the HDR demonstration."

Quality experts Marcel Oregon Scarborough (Marcel Gonska) said, "the color volume will be one of the year the most important quality in the display industry's only standards", and "the QLED TV pulled the TV Picture Quality in a two-dimensional to three-dimensional" popular did.

Samsung Electronics said, "to increase the understanding of QLED TV technology was held this forum to inform widely for its excellence," he said "through the core technology professional media demonstrated the superiority of Samsung QLED TV and in this foothold even the European market will continue to strengthen, "he said.

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