Strengthen public support for the [financial newspaper gimdohyeon Korea News] Seoul reduce conflicts maintenance business electoral process. Urban law Public support is a system that supports the project implementation process as prescribed by the regulations even when, in order to increase the transparency and efficiency of the maintenance business.
Seoul has said reconstruction redevelopment, such as specifying the procedures and methods for the election of officers of the maintenance business election law enacted in 2015 to adjust the 'maintenance business standards Election Regulations announced on Tuesday.
That provision is established, it was spread to prevent the conflict in accordance with such projects stagnant inhabitants maintenance business combination unfair electoral officers surrounding the election, the ruling organs. This is the main purpose to help the residents themselves to the democratic election of officers.
That election, including NEC and configured to reduce the first meeting convened, residents conflicted maintenance business processes to strengthen public support for new applicants and strengthen the public role such authoritative interpretation is the main gist.
Adjust matters greatly gajida 4. First Election Commission for the election process (hereinafter NEC) if the senior is hard when you request more than one-tenth of the population is able to act on behalf of the mayor NEC configuration process as public applicants. I go two members of the union executive consists of the general local population, in many cases to get off halfway. To prevent scatters the continuity of the maintenance business was so that the mayor can take the agent role.
Second, the standard authoritative interpretation of the applicable regulations of the elections was to ask the mayor can be judged by the Zoning Status, constitution and approval proceedings, etc. This was the thorough supervision of elections, including the standard rules apply for the proper implementation of maintenance work performed.
Third it was also established regulations for exploitation by the dominant position of deacon prevent cases of stagnation of business, such as to avoid a new election of officers procedure.
Finally, the procedure for proving whether or not the candidate disqualified and combined executive instead of a candidate submits a certificate criminal offenses directly to the fact Views agreements and policies to replace a pledge to eliminate the concern and controversy about the crimes certificate information leakage.
Jenny Sun Seoul Urban Regeneration Division is "conflict-free maintenance projects will be started from the process of electing a fair representative," said, "I most film business stagnation and increased costs, such as negative factors caused by the unfair elections through improved public support schemes "he said firmly.
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