It said 25 days had increased [Korea financial newspaper stand hyomun reporter] SK Innovation is 1.0043 trillion won in the first quarter sales of 19% (159.5 billion won) recorded a yoy profit. Operating profit exceeded 1 trillion won is ever third.
This is the power surpassed one trillion won operating profit growth of non-oil sectors such as chemicals and Yun Hwalyu. Non-oil sector in the first quarter of operating profit accounted for 10 percentage points higher than the 55 percent (549.6 billion won) oil business (45%, 453.9 billion won) to.
Among the chemical business is a major part of the process By entering a full restart after a regular maintenance on the previous quarter is ethylene, the main products such as paraxylene spreads show appreciation recorded an operating profit of 454.7 billion won. The petrochemical business was to renewal at the same time as the largest ever quarterly earnings surpassed operating profits (453.9 billion won) in the oil business.
Yun Hwalyu business 10% (85 million) QoQ due to such lubricant bullish spread due to supply shortage has posted an operating profit increase of 94.9 billion won. 2Q is expected to improve the profitability by increasing volume of the coming peak season.
SK Innovation said, "results from the past few years, increased investment and expansion of the production facilities of high-margin products such as paraxylene scale, profit of the Chemicals business has been upgraded" and "scheduled regional ethylene in the second quarter, the para-xylene this was expected to lead to hosiljeok Given such regular maintenance of the facility. "
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