[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters] # 1. "The heart compendium find a piece you like money directly from the bank. Please do not use credit cards as debt. "
#2. "From the money to attend a smartphone, look aneusinga also unwilling to not believe it."
Banks can stretch the floor Senior targeting competitors are also associated with long-term customers and even mobile-centric reshaping retirement financial markets. And artificial intelligence (AI), such as pin-tech technology is used as a tool older banking convenience, and even a mobile app-specific bank (app) provides a variety of non (非) specialized financial services to elderly customers.
◇ voice recognition and magnifying glass ... Elderly Fit
Our bank has introduced a 'sound (SORi)' financial transactions in banking available speech recognition artificial intelligence (AI) last month alone voice commands. Sound (SORi) is characterized by a point to be converted to text by the voice of the customer using speech and AI techniques and identify means to finance the deal.
We go to the bank smart banking app (app) can by clicking on the sound (SORi) icon on the main screen to the voice command simply balance inquiry, transfer, exchange, trade bills to pay. There is also such a certificate can easily leave without a deal when you register the transfer information to the first use of biometrics.
Woori Bank to study the financial transactions in the AI goes forward to develop so that all ages can easily use plans. Woori Bank official said, " 'One Touch Personal" my easiest transferred to the font size simplifies the larger process is used is convenient when using the service "and" including those who are not familiar Tao smartphones will all be made more convenient financial services "he said.
Bogota older customer base is thicker than NH Agricultural Bank has ever attack a senior private services in the mobile bank. In the case of 'keungeul transfer "service strategy it is to expand the senior layer experiencing discomfort in smartphone use to mount the magnifying glass function, such as vision loss in customers using mobile banking.
PURPOSE suggesting enable cooperatives bankers can easily use the "domestic mobile population there throughout the generations there are aspects that have put the market competing for the mobile bank services are far Young layer only" and "Seniors are not familiar with smartphones "he says.
In the case of KB Kookmin Bank earlier this year was even launched a "Golden Life Banking 'specific mobile platform for senior customers. It can be used to connect to an existing KB Star banking app without any need to install the app (app). In the main service features that point to the "Senior Square" provides information such as the senior customer interest in high health, beauty, travel, leisure and entertainment.
Officials of KB Kookmin Bank said, "is a relatively mobile environment, simplify the stranger senior customers to use mobile financial services," he said, "In the future, in partnership with the Senior Preferred sectors companies such as cultural tourism will continue to upgrade the platform." .
IBK Industrial Bank also viewed variant, such as menu consists of only the core app (app) even on its small and simple mobile banks 'i-ONE Mini banks' capacity for the senior class and low vision customers and support large print mode.
Jungen regional banks in the DGB DGB also "M Child banks' mobile banking through the" voice menu calls "functions are implemented so that the desired menu can also be invoked by voice. Older people also easily accessible via the "Your Own Menu" can be used to directly finance function from the main screen.
The banking industry in the thread up again emphasized the 'older mosigi, you can see that somehow deal many windows House senior long-term loyal customer base to prevent escape.
Look only account transfer service statistics, carried out from October 2015 it can be seen. The increase in the elderly using the zoom to move the account back using the channel in February last year to the bank counter stood out. I surpassed the 1,000 million to change the end of the account transfer service in December application number is 2016, more than 50 before and after look at expanding the cumulative percentage share from 34.6% to 43.2%, 70 more than accounted for largely by 3.6 to 1.1% played.
Financial Services Commission official "account transfer service is a lot 40s by most users age 50, appeared in 30 order" and "had a use channel increased 50 percentage followed by expansion to the bank counter greatly, especially 70 or more 3 times has increased over, "he explained.
Banking industry official explained that "banks are on the sides to focus on new customer acquisition in the mobile platform competition" and "loyalty situations that raise concern about the high long-term customers trading".
◇ Senior targeting for retirement financial connections
Banks are scrambling to see that the positive sales for the senior layer is also associated with the retirement financial markets in the aging society while moving the weight in a digital finance. There is targeting elderly are highlighted in this year's business plan of the major banks.
In the case of NH Agricultural Bank cite a "senior marketing 'as one of this year's initiatives focus on five core business focuses on retirement planning and asset management specialization. While Shinhan Bank is also highlighting the digital transition as the primary task in mind and asset management (trust) the strengthening of group-wide. We can cite the Bank 'funds, trusts, bancassurance and asset management competitiveness "during the five year business strategy.
Muller financial exclusion of vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people with disabilities are also affected political background. Late last year, the financial authorities have announced that the "financial consumer protection best practices revised draft, including strengthening consumer protection for the elderly.
Currently the major banks are operating a "seniors-only financial consultation counter. Local Bank jungeseon side is high elderly population that focuses on counter operating in the social role dimensions. In the case of the Kwangju Bank, JB financial affiliates have also opened a second store stores dedicated Tao last July.
Nevertheless, it is noted that the banking sector on the senior layer may be a far kkopeul retirement financial occupancy. Retirement planning Asset Management is the aging society because food market to put the emphasis.
For this year, Agricultural Bank of NH plug in to projects focusing on the senior marketing, presented the 'NH All100 plan "designed to retire the brand and decided to expand the' All100 plan lounge, a specialized consultation on the 2nd month in 859 branches nationwide. Also earlier this year, Agricultural Bank anytime, anywhere personalized wealth management advice possible 'All100 plan tablet system' was also open. According to the Agricultural Bank of NH, retirement planning five kinds of specialized products' NH All100 plan only package "has been recorded in February, based on sales of about 3.718 trillion won.
Korea Institute of Finance (KIF) of 'recent financial consumer protection enhancements and future challenges for seniors' report products and services suitable for their financial institutions so as to emerge as a senior layer is the main customer groups increased elderly population, longer life etc. It had no choice but to become increasingly important to analyze.
Lee Gyubok Korea Institute of Finance researcher of the said "seniors" are not only lengthen the time period for obtaining the labor income such as retirement age has varied needs of the fund management and the expansion of difficulties, health-related expenses of asset management in accordance with the low interest rates. " there is a need to develop products and services that meet the needs, "he said.
Hana Institute of Finance at the 'senior hierarchy, the financial center of clientele injury' Report gimhyemi senior researcher also "look at the American example'm over 50 years senior to possess the most part (富) financial instruments Ownership compared to other ages "saying," as well as higher demand for even larger part in the elaboration advisory emphasized, as aging progresses rapidly, it is also naturally increases the bank's customers ages also domestic banks require services to senior customers. "
Non-financial services targeting, as well as financial aspects can increase life satisfaction senior layer is the diagnosis that is needed. "Senior customer service practices of non-financial targets financial institutions' reporting of KB Financial Group Institute of Management is older customer base is jipeot that financial institutions have to respond as effectively as complex as a non-financial necessity, as well as financial needs can lead the market.
Huang Faraway KB Financial Group, Research Institute senior researcher at the "higher interest level for such higher age jaetekeu as well as health, sports, travel" and "financial institutions have to provide differentiated non-financial services to analyze the senior customers by subgroup broaden the customer base management should take advantage of such opportunities to expand customer loyalty, "he said.
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