[Korea goyounghun financial newspaper reporter] hagekkeum improve the FSS can take a financial education website, if only a one-time e-mail application day training certification.
FSS announced a financial education center front gaepyeonan 15 days and told reporters hagetdamyeo enhance user convenience in one place, such as financial education, financial education, build an interactive channel. In front of a reorganization of financial education website with a new look and initiates a public service from tomorrow.
Two-way channels of user-centered in providing a one-way information-intensive traditional suppliers revamp the website through a user-centered menu, reorganization, etc. in one place financial education, financial consumers make it easy to find the desired information, so that users can learn the financial self-directed with plans to reshuffle.
Financial education is one place were currently serving 23 institutions, 70 programs (52 18 online and offline) to plans to continually update a wide range of educational content in cooperation with financial institutions.
Status posted a variety of experience programs such as Experience, visiting musicals, and if you wish to finance consumer education so that participants can apply for support directly from the homepage.
It introduced an interactive online financial courses anytime, anywhere from any user to allow self-directed learning (Self Directed Learning), and through a user-specific learning level test function provides a level content as a result.
When the process is completed by learning online learning assessment conducted to check the learning content, and makes the test pass issued upon completion of online training certificate.
Financial education website registration verification means your cell phone, I-Pin certificate from an existing certification also added.
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