Friday, February 24, 2017

NH Agricultural Insurance held together Jung (情) employees damhoe

[Korea gimmingyeong financial newspaper reporter] NH Agricultural Insurance has opened 23 days 'in 2017 numbered information (情) damhoe' had time to communication between CEO and employees.

Also known as "positive (情) deputy! This is referred to as a breakfast meeting made not to eat? "Shall breakfast together material from Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Agricultural Insurance headquarters nearby restaurants were targeting employees involved hope chapters to share ideas with each other.

"Jeongdam times' is part of the enhanced communication that is conducted periodically since taking office yiyunbae CEO. In this jeongdam once staff had time to talk openly share such a variety of opinions on the 'support measures for the professional qualifications', 'Reading installed in-house' life and work and work.

This year jeongdam once was planned as chief of communication where you can enjoy a variety of themes throughout the year, such as sports or cultural activities in addition to breakfast. In addition, "opened with the future of the Agricultural Insurance 'is presented directly to the CEO yiyunbae autograph book containing the phrase to obtain a high response from employees.

Jeongdam times a yiyunbae NH Agricultural Insurance CEO hosting "The communication among employees within the company will be the basis for growth sustained Agricultural Insurance" said "the business development of the company through the competitiveness and further agriculture and development of rural areas Let's contribute, "he urged.

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