Wednesday, March 1, 2017

President Kim Joon SK Innovation, innovation, ambition orders for new employees

[Korea financial newspaper stand hyomun News] Kim Joon SK Innovation's Executive Vice President and "La dreamed of a chief executive" for new recruits ordered ambition for innovation.

Kim, president of SK Innovation held April 28, he said the family of new employees in "interaction with the CEO 'as is met. In the ceremony held at the gwangjang-dong, Seoul Walkerhill was also present executives, including the president gimhyeonggeon SK Global Chemical, SK Lubricants jidongseop president and so on.

New employee introductory training for new employees at the closing ceremony event have announced about like "Suggestions for customer value enhancement" project, "10 years after the growth strategy of SK Innovation 'and prepared the last two months, and borrowed the format of" growing talk of' 1 freedom of inquiry and of the time ∙ executives chatted about the response time. In particular, before proceeding with the preparation for new employees and leading to the appearance as it was siljeonhyeong talent.

Kim said "Innovation begins in fresh water," said he said, "it differs to drive innovation for growth worth 30 trillion over the company achieved".

He added, "Change begins in newness is the enjoy the changing innovation," said "and constantly questions without fear, when accumulated experience that have exceeded the limits growth will break the new approach and the boundary conditions (Boundary Condition) Eventually added that the first button "habit to innovation.

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