Friday, April 21, 2017

Daewoo Shipbuilding CP creditors agree 100% ... Application court applied

[Korea Selected financial newspaper reporters] DSME bonds were following the completion of the debt restructuring of commercial paper (CP). When applied to the court early next month to 2.9 trillion won in size achieved this new funding.

DSME has finished 18 to 20 in three days in April to change maturities of 200 billion won CP-scale investors and the debt restructuring agreement signed between the year progressed it said Tuesday.

Sachaegwonja rally five times for 17 to 18 days prior to the corporate bond investors was approved at a high donguiyul. In the case of corporate bonds there is sachaegwonja voted to accept more than two-thirds of the rally attended chaegwonaek, CP shall be in full agreement and meet the individual creditors signed an agreement to change.

This was finishing a 360-degree adjustments debt assumption agreement for Daewoo Shipbuilding additional support.

Two months on the 6th Daewoo Shipbuilding union agreed to such dispute-free, no-strike rule compliance, all employees pay an additional 10% return was completed agreements signed for such 14 one yen Industrial Bank, including commercial bank creditors to equity swap, the Export-Import Bank .

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering said it will not apply for accreditation corporate bond debt restructuring in the past 20 pm Changwon District Court Tongyeong support. After the court applied DSME receive additional new funding of 2.9 trillion won from the Korea Development Bank and Export-Import Bank.

Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank is planning to install a management committee members participate in external private pursue the DSME management normalization.

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